Treat Your Moneymaker To a Bikini and Butt Facial!

Bikini-and-Butt ‘Facials’ are Latest Spa Trend. As bikinis get tinier, women are exposing more flesh than ever before. But sometimes skin in those more intimate parts isn’t quite ready for a close-up. Rio Wax Salon has just the treatment for wary beach goers: a bikini-and-bum facial. On gently cleansed skin, the technician first deeply exfoliates ingrown hairs and clogged follicles with crystal microdermabrasion. Skin is then steamed, ingrown hairs and acne are extracted, and a soothing organic mask is applied to close pores and balance the skin.
The mask is then cleaned off and a session of LED Light Therapy addresses sun and pigmentation spots: green light slows melanin production to stop pigmentation formation, blue light kills bacteria and acne, and yellow light detoxifies and replenishes cells. 60 Min $135.